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Meet Charley Wakelin...

Meet Charley Wakelin...

Name: Charley Wakelin
Do you believe in soul mates? Yes I do. It would just some to come and they’ll come at the right time
Currently Reading: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Who do you admire? My dad because he encourages me to be my best, and my mum ‘cause she’s always there to support me and she understands me so well
If you had an extra hour in the day, what would you do with it? Use it to be productive because I’m not very productive with the time I DO have
Your Guilty Pleasure: Definitely eating pasta. I will never not eat pasta

Charley is represented by Azalea Models

Charley wears MUJI singlet, Uniqlo jeans and Reliquia necklace// Stylist’s own blouse, A-Brand jeans// Global Vintage Collective tee, Ragged jeans// Global Vintage Collective dress, own hat, stylist’s own earring, Converse sneakers.

Song of the Week: The Venus Project

Song of the Week: The Venus Project

Meet Shanali Martin...

Meet Shanali Martin...