Meet Jared Plant... — At Home With


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Meet Jared Plant...

Meet Jared Plant...

Name: Jared Plant
Do you believe in soul mates? I strongly believe we meet the people we need to
Currently Reading? “No Acting Please” by Eric Morris & Joan Hotchkis
Who do you admire? People who embrace themselves
If you had an extra hour in the day, what would you do with it? So much to do, so little time
Your Guilty Pleasure: Losing track of time because then you’re in the present but then you’re like “Holy shit! Look at the time?”

Jared is represented Priscilla’s.

Jared wears own black top and jeans, Dr Marten boots//Vintage Calvin Klein white shirt, Harley Davidson overalls from Global Vintage Collective//Jumper from Global Vintage Collective, own jeans//Shirt from Global Vintage Collective, stylist’s own bolo tie, own jeans, Dr Martens boots.

Song of the Week: Peter Gabriel ft Kate Bush

Song of the Week: Peter Gabriel ft Kate Bush

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